Hundreds of years into the future, our successors will look back to our time and say;

“That was the era of Entertainism. It might not seem at first, but it was a dark time in human history. People misunderstood the meaning of life and confused it with various distractions, commonly known as Entertainment.”

Today, we have no idea, since the word ENTERTAINISM doesn’t “officially” exist yet.

Entertainism is the time we live in right now. Entertainment is the chain that enslaves our mind, keeping it out of reach, wasting its incredible potential, forcing it to work on never-ending repeats.

Everything around us is entertainment. Everything. TV, news, sports, politics, traditions, religions, shopping, social media, tweets… you name it. It’s all entertainment with one single goal, to keep us occupied with fun, nonsense and useless information, while we are completely unaware, that we are paying for it with our most precious commodity, our limited time.

If we don’t see our master, does this prove that we are free?

We can choose to remove the chain. It was placed on us soft and slowly, but directly from our family, friends, and all other common things that make up our society.

Switch off the TV and throw it away! Switch your smartphone to mute and place it into a drawer.  You will feel weird at first, but this is normal. We humans are prone to various kinds of addictions; this is why change is so hard. But change is good. Change is evolution!

Change is our most honest friend, who punches us in the balls, but keeps us sharp and flexible, makes us stronger, keeps us alive in situations others would just give up, rollover and die.

What will follow is an uncomfortable silence. Then our mind will start to remember and repeat the current nonsense we have filled it with. This is normal. We might think these thoughts are ours and are important, but they are just endless repeats, creating the illusion of importance!

Our mind is not as smart as our stomach. If we eat some bad food, our stomach will reject it, making us puke. But our mind doesn’t know the difference between good or bad information. Our mind just needs to process it thoroughly, even if it is poison!

There is a saying, that you are what you eat. Well, that also applies to your mind. You become, with what you occupy your mind! So choose the information for your mind carefully.

I believe now you are starting to understand, what it means to be distracted.

Distraction separates us from our own mind! That is why we feel so disconnected and alone.

There is a simple way to rediscover your inner connection, you just need to listen and it might just give you the meaning of life! You will never be alone again.

When was the last time you sat down and enjoyed some peace and quiet?

After some time, you mind will work through all the repeated garbage and store it somewhere in the past. Maybe it will need only a few hours, maybe up to a few days, but after that, your mind will be ready to speak with you. Now is the right time to start a fresh new dialogue!

Not everything around us is entertainment, of course, I just needed to shock you, but confronting every new information with the predisposition of being entertainment, will make you a much more alert, critical and selectable information consumer!

There are great articles, books, documentaries, things and people out there, worthy of your attention, you just need to evaluate them and take no bullshit from anybody anymore!

Unfortunately, there is a lot of bullshit out there in various shapes, formats and sizes. Unbelievable amount of bullshit is around us. It’s everywhere, along every step you take, waiting to jump you and fill your mind with, you guessed it, shit. Just choose not to eat it!

It will come at you as “really important” or something “better” and mostly as “fun”, but I assure you, 99% of the time it has nothing to do with you and provides no real value to your wellbeing. Always look for quality and asses the value of any new information.

With quality information, comes inspiring thinking.

I believe that the meaning of life is to know your potential. You need to understand it and develop it to the maximum. That is the definition of success. Your personal success!

  1. To understand the meaning of your life, you need to know your POTENTIAL.
  2. To know your potential, you need to LISTEN to your thoughts.
  3. To hear your thoughts, you need SILENCE.

It’s that simple. To free your mind, you need to cancel every single distraction and you will finally be able to rise above and find your true potential. Your mind will start to deliver great suggestions and ideas, making you the master of your life! You just need to give it quality information, time and most importantly, silence.


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